You've probably heard us talk a lot about the A.S.C.E.N.D. Conference, and that's because we are so excited about it. I've taken the liberty of answering some FAQs you've had about the day. Enjoy!
What does A.S.C.E.N.D. Stand for?
It stands for Act, Speak, Create, Empower, Network, and Develop. You can expect all of these at the event.
What am I going to learn about?
We are so glad you asked! You'll learn how to take on leadership roles and find your voice. You'll learn how to empower yourself to act. You'll learn about the importance of networking. You'll learn about career advancement. You'll learn about entrepreneurship. You'll learn about work/life balance. You'll learn about taking on political leadership roles. You'll learn about community organizing and how to advocate for issues that matter the most to you. Bring a notepad and pen, because you'll be overflowing with knowledge by the time this is over! There's also free WiFi for those of you that want to bring your lappy.
Who is going to be speaking?
Georgia State Representative Alisha Thomas Morgan is coming to talk about leadership. Rep. Morgan has been active in politics since she was 23, and she also has a new book No Apologies: Powerful Lessons in Life, Love & Politics. Rep. Morgan will also be signing this new book, so if you don't have one, we recommend you pick one up. For a sneak peek of Rep. Morgan's speech, check out our blog.
We're also thrilled to have Business Educator Deborah Shane, who travels the country speaking about women's empowerment. Deborah Shane also chatted with us about why it's such a crucial time for women's empowerment:
Can I participate in any of the events?
Yes! This is going to be a very interactive conference. We're going to have round table discussions with even more speakers, so you can ask questions and tailor the experience to the areas you want to learn most about. The floor plan also encourages you to connect with the other smart, professional women in attendance, and we will be launching our new Younger Women's Network immediately after the conference.
How's parking at 103 West?
Luckily, 103 West is ahead of the curve with parking in Atlanta, and they have a lot. There's no need to be anxious about parking. Hallelujah!
Where can I get tickets?
Online, you can get them here:
It is possible to register on the day of, but registering in advance ensures quicker entry into the conference with more time for you to network.
Who's sponsoring the event?
The Younger Women's Task Force, Crave Atlanta, Women Intelligently Networking (WIN), Little Pink Book, and Atlanta Media Services are joining together to put on this empowering event.
How can I help spread the word?
Wow, thank you for asking! There are a few ways to share the message. You can tweet about it using our hashtag #ascend. You can post on your Facebook and let other women know you've purchased tickets. Some of our attendees have written about the conference in their interoffice newsletters. You can reach out to women in your classes, and you can also help us hit the streets with flyers or postcards. If you'd like to get involved on the promotions committee, email Lauren Zink at
We hope we answered your questions. To get a sneak peek of what we'll be talking about at the A.S.C.E.N.D. Conference, straight from Deborah Shane and Alisha Thomas Morgan, listen to this month's podcast.
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