We hope to see you on Saturday at our Policy Forum 2010. Bring your coffee, learn about the issues, and hear what other women have to say about the midterm elections. Stacey Chavis, former Director of the White House Project, will be on hand to discuss the importance of women voting. Meet us at the Toco Hills Library at 2:00 pm. The event is free. RSPVs are encouraged, so please send a message to us at ywtfatlanta@gmail.com. Before we see you, please educate yourselves with the amazing information our national Younger Women's Task Force chapter has assembled for you:
With congress poised to make decisions on critical issues like unemployment, equal pay, health care, and family economic security, this midterm is an election is an important one for women. This year more women then ever filed to run for Senate (36) and fourteen won the primaries. Yet, while women have typically been more likely to register and to vote then men, polls suggest that women are less enthusiastic about casting their ballot in this midterm election. According to CNN, only 23% of women described themselves as “extremely enthusiastic” about voting, compared to 38% of men. Women’s votes have the power to influence important legislation. We encourage you to become and enthusiastic voter, learn about your candidates, and vote on Tuesday.
Need to do some last minute research before you vote? We’ve compiled voters guides for each one of our chapter cities. Don’t fret, if you don’t live in one of the cities where we have a chapter, we’ve got you covered too. Check out the additional resources at the end of the post.
Sample ballot from Creative Loafing.
League of Women Voters, 2010 Georgia Voter Guide:
The League of Women Voters also has a form where you can put in your address to see who is on your ballot or download the pdf version. You can also find out more about the five Constitutional Amendments and one state-wide referendum question,
Equality Georgia:
See where candidates stand on Marriage Equality, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and other LGBT issues.
Additional Resources:
Just click on your State to see a list of voter guides.
Project Vote Smart
A wealth of information!
The League of Women Voters
Find your own City/Sate LWV chapter to find out about polling places, candidates, and ballot measures.
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