Half The Sky invites women from all walks of life and all cultures to see their differences and similarities regarding the ties between womanhood, money, power and community. We at YWTF see the importance of enjoining discussion regarding the interconnectedness of all of these topics globally as well as in each of our lives. Here's a sneak peek at the types of questions, book specific AND not, that we will highlight during our book club discussion on Saturday, December 11th:
1. How are women and girls disproportionately impacted by poverty?
2. Why is the empowerment of women and girls an effective way to address global poverty?
3. Are there women in your life who exemplify women’s empowerment? What about them makes them powerful?
4. How does earning and “handling” money change Goretti’s social status?
5. How do your (Goretti’s) choices about how to spend family income differ from the men in your life (her husband’s)?
Do you have a strong reaction or opinion regarding any of those questions? Let's start the discussion here in our comments. Please also join us for live discussion at our December meeting: Saturday, December 11th at 10:30 AM at the Toco Hills library. We will also be welcoming Divas in Defense to teach us some moves, so bring $7 cash ($5 for members and YWTF-Atlanta partners), and let's kick some butt.
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