1. Walk with confidence. Keep your eyes up, and don't shuffle your feet. Predators look for people who appear weak.
2. Your keys can be your weapon - keep them out and ready. Consider purchasing a Key Kitty.
3. In an elevator, stand by the control panel. If someone tries to harm you, press every button so you stop on every floor.
4. On your apartment mailbox or buzzer, list your name as "First Initial Last Name." This way you cannot be identified as a female tenant by your name.
5. Working late? Tell someone, and have a coworker or security walk you to your car when it's time to leave.
6. Trust your gut. If a situation or person is making you uncomfortable, leave. Don't look for an excuse to prove yourself wrong.
Bonus Tip: Join the Younger Women's Task Force and Divas in Defense tomorrow at the Toco Hills Library at 10:30 to learn the self-defense basics. ($7 cash, $5 for partners or members at the door.)
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